Lampe Berger Catalytic Burner Lamps
$52.95+ In-Store Only
The most effective and efficient product on the market today for indoor air care. Designed in 1898 to purify hospital rooms in France, Lampe Berger has spent over a hundred years perfecting this air purification system. Every bottle of home fragrance fuel undergoes a lengthy process to ensure its effectiveness and purity. Numerous customers comment on how wonderful these lamps are and how easily they remove cooking smells, pet odours, and smoke fumes.
We carry over 20 lamp designs and about 75 different home fragrance fuels. Prices range from simple style lamps at $52.95 to the more elaborate style lamps at $217.95. Also, when you purchase a lamp from us, you will receive a gift card for 25% off your next five fuel purchases.
Date Added | 2016-08-02 |
Product Id | 10337798 |