Skin Resurfacing for Acne Reduction, Brightening and Smoothing


Our solution to brighten, smooth, clarify, and decongest your skin. We offer SilkPeel Dermalinfusion™, a step beyond traditional microdermabrasion to help refresh and refinish the feel of your skin.

This fast 45-60 minute treatment is tailored to your skin’s specific needs, whether you need hydrating, clarifying, or brightening. The SilkPeel system utilizes different medical grades of diamond treatment heads, so there are no blown aluminum crystals to worry about inhaling. The amount of redness and the uncomfortable feeling of being “windchapped” is greatly reduced—with little to no discomfort, the skin is effectively exfoliated and infused with nutrients leaving it feeling, as the name suggests, like silk.

The SilkPeel system is amazing for the treatment of acne and acne scarring, as well as smoothing, hydrating, and brightening mature skin. SilkPeel technology combines several different benefits in a single procedure, so you can achieve more clear, youthful, radiant skin in less time, and see noticeable improvements with each and every session.

While you will certainly see and feel results after one session, for optimal results it is recommended to get three to four treatments 7-10 days apart. Consultations are required before your initial treatment session, and package deals are available.


Date Added 2012-08-15
Product Id 10081800