Garden Mums (Chrysanthemum)

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In the late summer when most of your flowers are done for their season, mums are ready to bloom. Mums will not start to set buds until the nights are around 10 hour longs. Blooms follow in 6 to 10 weeks. Cool temperatures don't bother mums. In fact, chilly weather intensifies colors and keeps blossoms looking fresh until a hard, killing frost drops the curtain on the gardening year.

Marigold Nurseries is a full-service operation with perennials, shrubs, cut flowers, patio furniture, arbors, fountain and statuary. We offer a complete line of Annuals; Perennials; Plants and Containers; Trees; Flowering Shrubs and Hedging; Garden Ornaments; Garden Furniture; House and Office indoor plants; Fountains; Statuary; Fish Ponds and (in season) Fish…and a knowledgeable staff to answer all your questions.


Plant in Fall
Date Added 2013-10-10
Product Id 10187190