Laser Fat Reduction - Lapex 2000
Laser Fat Reduction
The Lapex 2000 is a revolutionary medical device for a spot laser fat reduction and the treatment of cellulite on men and women. The Lapex 2000 system is a safe, painless, non-invasive and fast treatment for body contouring. The Lapex 2000 was first used for new skin regeneration and for cell activation following surgery, it was late discovered that by changing the lasers calibration, it could fight cellulite and fat on problem areas. After continued clinical studies, it has been recognized that it is a safe and effective treatment for body contouring. The Lapex 2000 works in a way that has never been seen before.
Laser dissolve is a non-invasive laser fat reduction system that uses a specialized laser to liquefy fat cells. This works by focusing the cold red laser into the fat cells where the fat is released out through the cellular wall and is then liquefied into the intercellular area. The liquefied fat is then drained out of the body through natural Lymph drainage. The Laser dissolve laser fat reduction treatment is totally pain free and requires no shots or surgery! |
Diet and exercise alone rarely clears the cellulite and whereas liposuction helps to reduce localized fat, it is not effective for cellulite. Numerous thigh creams, massages, vibration, and botanical wraps have been tried in North America, all with virtually no long term results. Low Level Laser dissolve will assist in decreasing the appearance of cellulite painlessly and safely. Treatments are only 30-60 minutes and cause no discomfort, pain, swelling or bruising.
Ask us about this revolutionary new way to spot fat reduce, lose inches, and contour your body!
Lose inches and contour your body | |
Date Added | 2012-08-24 |
Product Id | 10083414 |