Radiator Coolant Flush


The radiator of your vehicle is what helps to keep the engine running at cooler temperatures. If the fluid in your radiator is starting to get old, your vehicles engine will not run as efficiently. The build up of rust and sludge in the radiator is the common cause of radiator issues, and these can be prevented with a regular radiator coolant flush.

Bring your vehicle in to see the team at James Bay Service and let us flush the fluid from your radiator and replace it with fresh coolant. It is recommended that you do this on a regular basis (every 2 years) to ensure that your vehicle is running at peak efficiency and not going to overheat.

Call the team at James Bay service today for more information about your radiator coolant. We will be happy to hear from you and answer any questions or concerns that you have. 


Your Auto Specialists
Date Added 2014-03-26
Product Id 10228884