We are open 8:30 - 5:30 and are in Victoria, BC, outside of office ours you can open a ticket via http://islandhosting.com support menu and if urgent then we get SMS notice to all our staff.
Local Vancouver Island Web Hosting Company moves hosting from island based islandnet.com model to more modern faster setup. its servers remain in Canada. but are no longer island based. We are seeing a great uptake on our new hosting solutions and its proving extremely popular to not just local customers but Canadian's and American's alike. We are growing ourselves and reaching new markets which is really an exciting time for us.
Our local core customers are still very important and being a rather closed economy on an island we value our local loyal customer base but there are more markets for us to break into and we are energized and excited by our new growth with this change in our business model.
It seemed like a good time to change. A few things drove the need to reinvent ourselves and it has been a well executed and implemented setup.
We have been renovating the house of islandnet.com and maintaining an aging house becomes more and more time consuming and labour intensive so it was time to buy new accommodation and fit out islandhosting.com with a more modern fixtures and fittings. The house analogy is useful in helping our customers understand a need to change.
We are using new tools to help us push into new markets and are developing tools ourselves for our customers and for the cPanel web hosting community.
We will continue to grow both our local core customer base and look for new opportunity. We see good things in our future.
Islandnet.com will continue for the foreseeable future too as we migrate hosting customer on a case by case basis. We don't want to loose our customer base in a poor mass migration and our bespoke systems on islandnet.com which served us well don't allow for such a migration anyway. By doing it on a case my case basis we can manage potential fall out which has been minimal. Reduce errors and maintain high levels of customer satisfaction.
We believe this to be a better formula as we have witnessed a take over by internethosting of a local competitor with a mass migration and we gained allot of customers from this poorly executed approach.
We have been careful to make sure our customers know that its the same poeple providing the support and running the company. Still an island based business and still all Canadian.
The move from the island of our servers too made sense a too with the Earthquake threat and also the fibre links to Vancouver Island.
In fact islandnet.com itself has also been moved into the same location as islandhosting.com which has 4 fibre connections each significantly faster that the connection islandnet.com had and each coming in from a different point of the compass giving speed and redundancy.