About Us
This year marks the 20th anniversary of our shop and what better way to celebrate than to present Instinct to the world. Today more and more people wish to bring a sense of the sacred and meaning into their homes and work spaces. By doing so we bring spiritual practice into all aspects of our lives: Right Mindfulness, Right Thought, Right Action etc.
Here in the Buddha Realm you'll discover images and descriptions for many of our gifts and products that will inspire practitioners and novices alike. Transform your surroundings from the mundane to the sacred with these gifts of beauty and inspiration. We are coming to understand that colour, sound and fragrance, like good food have a tremendous effect on our well being. Also, Einstein once said "Imagination is more important than knowledge".
Here in the Enchanted Realm you'll discover images and descriptions of products that will aid in vibrational healing and bring you and your family closer to the magical realm of faerie and fantasy. We also know you'll enjoy our outstanding selection of silver and gemstone jewellery. Transform your inner world and home from the mundane to an enchanted refuge of delight and playfulness.
Our vision continues to be the spiritual betterment and inspiration of all beings by offering a finely balanced selection of beautiful and meaningful gifts. Our product lists are accessed through two main pages: The Buddha Realm and the Enchanted Realm. From there you'll find many of our gift items along with images and descriptions. If you like what you see and would like to make a purchase or make an inquiry please contact us!