Da Brim Rezzo Helmet Visor Set Victoria BC dealer


Shade where you need it! See for yourself why Da Brim's Rezzo has been called "the most functional bike helmet visor ever."

  • Bill easily repositions using super strong hook-and-loop fasteners
  • Gap channels air up towards helmet vents, promoting cooling and relieving air pressure
  • Helps block glare
  • Requires no modifications to your helmet or sticky adhesives--simply tighten the band around your helmet, pop on the bill, and go!
  • Reinforced bill edge for added stability
  • Extremely lightweight
  • Secure attachment technology
  • Bills available in three lengths to suit your needs

The Rezzo helmet visor offers the ability to adapt to your unique needs. A two-piece system allows you to change the position of the bill to your preferred angle for different riding conditions and sun angles. Angle the bill down when the sun is low on the horizon or for recumbent riding, change position mid-day, and remove at night! Interchangeable bills with fun patterns allow you to express your mood or coordinate your style. Improve your riding comfort with our Rezzo helmet visor system!


Da Brim exclusive, Victoria BC
Date Added 2016-08-07
Product Id 10339137
SKU Rezzo