Relentless Shoulder Pain


Does your job call you to sit at a desk and work for hours at a stretch? Well, most of us spend hours each day glued to our computer screens either for work or play. But are you making sure that your posture is not being a culprit in a dreadful body pain? What we don’t realize in our day-to-day activities is that sitting or even standing incorrectly for long hours, could cause serious inflammation in muscles and give you body aches specially Relentless Shoulder Pain.

The most common one is Shoulder pain!

So why do we experience this pain and how does our body react? Read on to know more facts!

Relentless Shoulder Pain is made up of three parts:

  • Upper arm bone (humerus)
  • Shoulder blade (scapula) and
  • Collarbone (clavicle).
Do you know what helps your shoulder and other joints to rotate and move easily? It’s the fluid called ‘Bursitis’. They are fluid-filled sac that is located throughout the body which acts as a cushion over bones and soft tissues to reduce friction in the rotator cuff of the joints.

When you suffer from pain in the shoulder, it could be sometimes due to a condition called as ‘subacromial bursitis’. It is a type of inflammation which is usually the result of repetitive injury to the ‘bursa’ which can happen due to activities such hunching forward for long (remember your long work hours!), excessive ball throwing or other overhead activities or sport.

Happy Health and Happy living from All Care Family Chiropractic and Massage!


Date Added 2018-06-26
Product Id 10432944